The Sydney Alliance, the largest permanent coalition of civil society organisations in Sydney is appalled and grieved by the attacks on people at and nearby worship in the German city of Halle.

As an organisation working towards the common good of all Sydneysiders, we redouble our efforts to build relationship across community and build a city of welcome.

Our organisations and communities stand against extremism in all its forms of division and violence.

People flourish when they can work, live and worship in peace.

“This is another sad day that follows the attacks on Jews in Philadelphia and San Diego, on Catholics in Sri Lanka and Muslims in Christchurch. In Sydney are we redoubling our efforts to build relationships and take action for the common good of all Sydneysiders”

Mary Waterford AM, Chair of the Sydney Alliance

“All decent people will be appalled by the murderous attack on a synagogue in Halle. Two people were tragically murdered but there could have been many more casualties if it were not for the careful security measures at the synagogue. This was a far right attack directed against Jews, and it is believed Muslims as well. We must stand together as communities to condemn and resist this violence. Governments must provide resources to enable threatened groups to protect themselves. We pray for the victims and their families and call on the German government to pursue a full investigation.”

Rabbi Dr Benjamin Elton, Great Synagogue

“The Sydney Alliance will be organising across its diverse communities over the coming years in practical ways. Dialogue is an important first step. We go beyond, bringing people of all kinds together to work on day to day concerns like affordable housing and energy, and ending workplace exploitation and building a city of welcome.  It takes organised people to overcome violence”.

David Barrow, Lead Organiser Sydney Alliance

Inquiries: David Barrow, Lead Organiser 0416 028 001

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