Housing Targets FAQs


Will the NSW Government to commit to a formal plan, with numerical targets, to increase the supply of social and affordable housing in NSW over the next four years? The plan should be developed on a cross-portfolio basis within the NSW government and in partnership with the Federal Government. Will you report on progress and give a plan completion date at a Sydney Alliance Assembly within 100 days of the winning office?

Frequently Asked Questions

No. The government does NOT have targets for number of affordable dwellings.

The only way the government can be bound to such targets is if it creates legislation binding itself, which is unlikely. Once the targets are made, civil society must hold the government accountable to these targets.

We bind them by constantly reminding of their commitment. Table talks, assemblies and demonstrating affordable housing is an issue felt throughout Sydney.

Demand transparency from the government through their own reporting mechanisms.

This depends on the target they set for themselves. NCOSS costs its proposal of 3,000 new dwellings over 4 years  at a total of $250 million. Click here to view their report.

Currently there are no targets, low targets provide a platform to negotiate from. What is needed is a vision within which to push for better housing policy.

It will give more options to people with extreme housing stress. It will also create a platform for all housing advocates to stand together. More affordable housing will reduce homelessness and pressure on homeless shelters and services.

No, because such plans aren’t currently in effect. Peak bodies in NSW and the community housing sector provide efficient costed plans already, and this proposal encourages government to listen to these bodies and take on their suggestions.

Partly through public housing, the government will also likely establish partnerships with community housing providers and peak housing bodies to implement these targets, yet will remain largely responsible for financing meeting these targets.

It will be a multi-faceted approach, addressing various sectors. Our overall approach recognizes that both supply and demand are vital parts of the solution.